
Picture of Sarah

Sarah French

Research Ecologist (Ph.D.)
Course Instructor

My Research

Environmental change and multiple anthropogenic stressors

Data science in ecology and environmental sciences

Ecology of behaviour, populations,
communities, and landscapes

Land cover and use in aquatic,
terrestrial, and linked systems

Transdisciplinary approaches to conservation

© 2014-2024. Last updated 2024.


May 5th
Radio-Canada interview
Le déclin de la santé des abeilles décodé une fois pour toutes?

April 19th
Radio-Canada Ohdio interview
Des pertes énormes dans les ruches de certains apiculteurs de l'île Manitoulin

April 17th
York University News interview
EN Honey bees experience multiple health stressors out-in-the-field
FR Les abeilles mellifères sont confrontées à de multiples facteurs de stress qui affectent leur santé

April 17th
New study out in Current Biology
Honey bee stressor networks are complex and dependent on crop and region